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Tánia Juste (Barcelona, 1972) graduated in Geography and History from the Universitat de Barcelona. In 2009 she published her first novel, an homage to the hopeful times of the Second Spanish Republic, A flor de pell,  after which came Els anys robats. She has also participated in the anthology Veus de la nova narrativa catalana, anthologized by the writer Lolita Bosch. With L’hospital dels pobres, Juste went a step further and gained popularity and several editions. In 2015 receives the Nèstor Luján 2015 Award for the intens story of a family among vineyards, Temps de família. With her  novel Passatge al nou món she jumps into the Spanish readership, as well, with an exciting journey on a transatlantic at the beginning of the 20th century.

Her novel novel Amor a l'art (Beloved Art), an homage to the too often forgotten  women painters, deserved the Prudenci Bertrana Award 2021. And her latest novel, Neighbourhood Girls (2024) is a magnificent work that vindicates "the other war", the one that women fought in cities and towns during any war, when their men were at the front. 


Books by Tània Juste