March 2025
Time to pack the suitcase for London and set out for the fair! We leave to share the stories of our authors, to meet international colleagues, to discover the hot titles of our clients and to open new and exciting doors. And the best? To keep...
January 2025
There are many reason for excitement when the year begins: the prospect of new texts to be published, proposals from publishers with unexpected projects, upcoming fairs and, as is becoming a tradition, the representation of new catalogues such as...
January 2025
We bearly started this new year and we have the feeling that it will be a special one. To start with, we have been told that this is a square year. Whether it's square or round, we're really looking forward for a great year and willing for...
November 2024
Four days ago we were at the Frankfurt Book Fair and now we are going to the FIL, the international book fair in Guadalajara (Mexico). A fair that moves between business and reading, between the international center for the sale of rights and the...
October 2024
After the Spring fairs and a September packed with activities, we're back in Frankfurt! The Buchmesse, The Fair, is here. It's time to leave behind for a few days all the online conversations we have and meet up with international...
September 2024
From the 20th to the 29th of September the 42 Setmana del Llibre en Català (Week of the Catalan Book) will take place. This is one of the most successful books events –after Sant Jordi's Day on April 23rd– in...
September 2024
The return, the we're back, the rentrée something with many different names but with something in common: always comes intense! First: Carlota Torrents, one of the asteriscs, has been invited to give a seminar or...
July 2024
Vacations at last! Anyone can't work in this heat. The time has come for a technical stop, a good swim and a good read in the shade of a Ginkgo. If you are reading this, it means that you are from the sector, because only bookworms come to this...
May 2024
In the previous post we talked about international or World Days and on May 17th, International Internet Day, we chose to read The Disconnected. What is happening with this book is amazing. And it is because now that we criticize teenagers for...
May 2024
There are more World days –also called International Day of– than there are days in the year, but curious enough we found that among the Asterisc Agents books we could find at least one per day! Since that would make the occurrence a...
April 2024
By now, many countries celebrate the Day of the Book and the Rose also known as Sant Jordi's Day, a tradition that started in 303aC to recall Saint George's Death. In November 1995, UNESCO declared 23rd April as the International Day of...
April 2024
The Bologna Book Fair reaches its 61st edition and continues to be one of the most beautiful fairs ever held. The presence of illustrators – often very young! – with their portfolios up and down, queuing in front of the stands of the...
March 2024
Time to pack the suitcase for London and set out for the fair! We leave to share the stories of our authors, to meet international colleagues, to discover the hot titles of our clients and to open new and exciting doors. And the best? To keep...
February 2024
We have started the year with two new authors on Asterisc Agents list and we are very excited to present them to you! Jo Alexander, who after a period of not writing and living abroad, returns at home as a Quintana sister with the book Assassines...
November 2023
El silenci dels astronautes (The Silence of the Astronauts), Joanot Martorell Prize 2023, has now reached the bookstores! The latest novel by Laia Fàbregas tells the story of a girl who decides to isolate herself from the world, of a...
October 2023
Frankfurt, the Buchmesse so is –The Fair– begins, a week when nothing is more important than appointments with colleagues from all over with whom we will talk about life and books. Meeting again, leave emails aside for a few days and be...
October 2023
But anyway we wanted to wish you Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
September 2023
From the 8th to the 17th of September the Setmana del Libre en Català will take place, one of the most successful books events for the Catalan literature -only after Sant Jordi's Day on April 23rd. 9 long and busy and...
July 2023
Dear friends, we wish you a happy summer. Remember to switch off your phones and enjoy your summer time as possible. On our way back, we will present you these new 4 "coming soon" titles. We love these covers so much that we wanted...
June 2023
In Catalunya a great deal of emphasis is placed on the Summer Solstice - the shortest night of the year. It is a public holiday renowned for the electric atmosphere in the air and the crazy parties that take place. There are said to be three symbols...
April 2023
By now, many countries celebrate the Day of the Book and the Rose also known as Sant Jordi's Day, a tradition that started in 303aC to recall Saint George's Death. In November 1995, UNESCO declared 23rd April as the International Day of...
April 2023
It's time to pack the suitcase for London and set out for the fair! We leave to share the stories of our authors, to meet international colleagues, to discover the hot titles of our clients and to open new and exciting doors. And the best...
March 2023
The Bologna Book Fair reaches its 60th edition, an admirable milestone for one of the most beautiful fairs to be celebrated. The presence of illustrators - often very young– with the portfolio up and down, queuing in front of the...
January 2023
Jordi Coca has been recognized with the Agustí Duran i Sanpere Award for Essay, Humanities and History of Barcelona for El teatre de Shakespeare en el seu context (Shakespeare's Dramas In Context, Edicions de 1984). So deserved!...
January 2023
Les altures, by Sebastià Portell, published on September 22 and already with two editions in bookstores, finalist for the Premi Òmnium for the best novel of the year. The Òmnium Award aims to give visibility to great...
January 2023
We are excited to set out for the new year by presenting the new collaborations that we have signed in recent months such as Leor Agency, Alice Éditions, Ambo|Anthos or Litera. We will be sharing their best texts little by little, but you...
December 2022
A few books, an asterisk in suspens and a quite particular stamp. Now it's time to rest, breathe, read and laugh. We get reubiquited on January 9th. Merry Christmas! ¡Happy New Year! A peculiar Christmas card
November 2022
Every year, the Internationale Jugendbibliothek in Munich presents the White Ravens list with an international selection of the CH & YA titles considered especially noteworthy. This year, the White Ravens shows 200 books from 53...
November 2022
As every year, from Frankfurt we bring a good number of meetings with international colleagues with whom we been discussing the works of our authors. But we also come up with something else, and we have already made of this a tradition in Asterisc:...
October 2022
After the Spring fairs, we are back to Frankfurt! We cannot hide the emotion of being there again in person, with no screens nor masks, booked schedules, catalogs with plenty of new titles, the IRC waiting for us and the stands and halles ready for...
September 2022
From the 9th to the 18th of September, the 40th Setmana del Libre en Catalan will take place. This is one of the most successful books events –after Sant Jordi's Day on April 23rd– in Catalonia. It is the ideal moment to present...
July 2022
Well, yes, the two asterisks will be on holidays for a few days, of course, because it has been an intense course and above all because the “back to the office” feels very demanding. We will begin September with the Forum Edita and...
April 2022
Sant Jordi has passed. The most important day of the Book and Readers is over but the book life continues, readers keep reading (and hopefully buying!) books and here we are keeping the flame and offering you every day, every week, every month...
April 2022
By now, many countries celebrate the Day of the Book and the Rose also known as Sant Jordi's Day, a tradition that started in 303aC to recall Saint George's Death. In November 1995, UNESCO declared 23rd April as the International Day of...
April 2022
The London Fair arrives with all the accumulated strength of these troubling months. It will definitely be a different fair, with the nerves and enthusiasm of the first times. We’ll meet again with colleagues from all over the world and...
March 2022
Bologna Book Fair, finally, yes! Neither in 20 nor in 21 was possible and this year there were many doubts until the last minute but in the end it was confirmed with a majestic YES. It is true that there will be great absences of editors, publishers...
January 2022
We have good news this week! Melcior Comes, a young but published author from Mallorca, has joined the list of authors represented by Asterisc Agents and we are honored! Comes is an author with a dazzling literary career, with already few awards and...
January 2022
We start the year with renewed energy despite the inevitable uncertainty that we live in and with new authors in the house that we will announce in the coming days. Today, we would like to explain to you that we will represent the work of Jordi...
December 2021
We would like to be ubiquitous and be able to follow the whirlwind pace that our times impose, but we are not. We also don't know for sure if an excess of Asteriscs would be the most appropriate but for sure we would make a big party! But since...
September 2021
We started on September 29, 2016. 5 years later we are still here, stronger, bigger and as happy as the very first day. Ready for all the years to come. Ready to keep sharing with all of you the books of our authors and clients. To share what it...
September 2021
Among different local bookfairs, in Madrid and Barcelona, the new literary year starts and we can't be more happy about it. After these intense bookfairs with lots of presentations, pannel discussions and happy re-unions with colleagues,...
September 2021
And there we go one more year with La Setmana del Libre in Català, a meeting place for bookworms, a privileged space to show the richness and diversity of Catalan literature. In short, La Setmana is a small, innovative and sustainable city of...
July 2021
And we are already in front of summer holidays and we have many hours ahead to read, contemplate, walk, eat, chat, love, laugh. They are all wonderful verbs to practice all year round, but in summer more and all, absolutely all of them, can be done...
May 2021
While restrictions of movement and acts with large concentrations of people are still maintained, the world continues to turn, books continue to be written, edited, published and read! And so our job as agents continues to be to show all these books...
April 2021
Last year we had to stay at home, but this 2021 International Book Day will last 3 days! It’s the celebration of books, authors and readers. Thousands of proposals to chose from in bookstores, but some of ours are: 1. TORNO A CASA, de...
January 2021
And here we are again! Actually, we didn't go very far nor for many days but the wheel starts and turns again. Great! New projects, new ideas, new books and new covers. We have seen some that will dazzle you. And now that we are all here,...
December 2020
Happy as the '20s promised to be, and what a disastrous they’ve finally been! We don’t want to go throught the general sadness that Covid-19 has caused but we prefer to be positive with 2021 for very different reasons, namely! 1....
September 2020
If we were saying that Autumn came with new habits and new names to Asterisc, we must say that it also arrives full of new translations of books by our authors! Bastei Lübbe publishes L’hospital dels pobres (The Hospital of the...
September 2020
New habits With September and Autumn a new publishing season begins each year, with its inertias and calendars more or less similar to the previous year. This year everything is different and everything is a challenge: consolidating new ways of...
September 2020
With an express format, a new location and the same enthusiasm as always begins La Setmana del Libre in Català, a meeting place for bookworms, a privileged space to show the richness and diversity of Catalan literature. In short, La Setmana...
July 2020
Asterisc Agents goes on vacation for a few days. This course that we are closing will be definitely be rembered for the covid troubled times. Autumn will come with La Setmana del Llibre en Català The Week of Books in Catalan), the...
June 2020
Seuil has acquired translation rights of La capsa vermella, the latest publishing phenomenon in Catalan. After the impact of the discovery of the collection of photographs by Antoni Campañà and the success of the book in...
April 2020
The authors of Asterisc Agents have chosen a fragment of some of their works so as to make these days of forced confinement more bearable. Today, Joan Carreras. #stayhome #afragmenteveryday "In this chapter there’s a kind of...
April 2020
The authors of Asterisc Agents have chosen a fragment of some of their works so as to make these days of forced confinement more bearable. Today, Carlota Gurt. #stayhome #afragmenteveryday "The narrative implausibility of reality...
April 2020
The authors of Asterisc Agents have chosen a fragment of some of their works so as to make these days of forced confinement more bearable. Today, Jordi de Manuel. #stayhome #afragmenteveryday "I write science fiction to transgress...
April 2020
The authors of Asterisc Agents have chosen a fragment of some of their works so as to make these days of forced confinement more bearable. Today, a poem by Jaume Subirana. #stayhome #afragmenteveryday "A few verses of apartment,...
April 2020
The authors of Asterisc Agents have chosen a fragment of some of their works so as to make these days of forced confinement more bearable. Today, Tània Juste. #stayhome #afragmenteveryday "Passage to the New talks about...
April 2020
The authors of Asterisc Agents have chosen a fragment of some of their works so as to make these days of forced confinement more bearable. Today, Javier Aparicio Maydeu. #stayhome #afragmenteveryday “I wrote this text in 2011...
April 2020
The authors of Asterisc Agents have chosen a fragment of some of their works so as to make these days of forced confinement more bearable. Today, Laura Gomara. #stayhome #afragmenteveryday "In these days of co-living, sometimes...
April 2020
The authors of Asterisc Agents have chosen a fragment of some of their works so as to make these days of forced confinement more bearable. Today, David Nel·lo. #stayhome #afragmenteveryday
March 2020
The authors of Asterisc Agents have chosen a fragment of some of their works so as to make these days of forced confinement more bearable. Today, Borja de Riquer. #stayhome #afragmenteveryday "The episode chosen is that of 1907 and...
March 2020
The authors of Asterisc Agents have chosen a fragment of some of their works so as to make these days of forced confinement more bearable. Today, Sylvia Lagarda-Mata. #stayhome #afragmenteveryday “Epidemics, contagions,...
March 2020
The authors of Asterisc Agents have chosen a fragment of some of their works so as to make these days of forced confinement more bearable. Today, Salvador Macip. #stayhome #afragmenteveryday "Pandemics will continue to be common and we...
March 2020
The authors of Asterisc Agents have chosen a fragment of some of their works so as to make these days of forced confinement more bearable. Today, Jordi Coca. #stayhome #afragmenteveryday
March 2020
Asterisc Agents keeps on the road. We will do it by following all the recommendations, needless to say. The closest future is full of uncertainties that we will overcome and new situations to which we will adapt with curiosity because, now more than...
January 2020
David Nel·lo has today received the Edebé award for The Chronicle of Ivo Kroach a magnificent story about the exodus and exile. Nel·lo puts himself in the shoes of a family of beetles that have to flee away from the hotel...
December 2019
David Nel·lo has been awarded with the most prestigious novel prize in Catalan, Sant Jordi Award. With more than 40 books published, the author has a long list of awards especially for his children and YA books. In 2017, with Melissa...
September 2019
Every year around September, we celebrate the Anniversary of Asterisc Agents. This year we celebrate our 3rd! Three years that have passed as an exhalation: we were only the two of us at the very begnining and now you just have to have a look at the...
September 2019
Starting today and until September 15th, the Books in Catalan Week is, in short, a small, innovative and sustainable city of books and magazines in Catalan. Readers and authors, agents and publishers, booksellers, public readings, round tables,...
June 2019
In its most special edition, that of the 20th anniversary, Llibreter Award 2019 has been for Novel·la, by Pol Beckmann. The Llibreter Award is organized by the Booksellers Guild of Catalonia and is a prize that recognizes the quality...
May 2019
Now that the literary hangover of Sant Jordi is a distant memory, let's talk about some of the best books in the catalogs represented by Asterisc Agents. From Legend Press, a small and awarded independent publisher that stands out in...
February 2019
Jo soc aquell que va matar Franco (Proa, 2018) has been awarded with the 19th Pemi Joaquim Amat-Piniella, summoned by Òmnium Bages-Moianès and the Ajuntament de Manresa, that recognizes the best narrative work of contemporary social...
January 2019
We can not think of a better way to start the year than with publishing news. On the very first day we have received copies of Jordi de Manuel's thriller located in Barcelona at the harbor, The Barrier ('La barrera'). A novel on...
December 2018
If you are reading this, it means that you like books, it probably also means that you are lucky enough to work and make a living with books and that you most sure read much less than you would like. And that is precisely why you look forward to...
October 2018
The publishing house Cruïlla (SM) has presented its latest winners of its prestigious children's and youth literature awards: Premi Vaixell de Vapor for Jo, Watson i l'armari de la Jacqueline, by Gemma...
September 2018
Time flies. If we look back and list everything we have read, negotiated and sold, and all the books we have seen published in these two years, we get almost dizzy. But the future perspective is still better. If we have done this in two years, what...
September 2018
Now that the agency is turning 2 years, it is time to share the latest additions to the list of authors of Asterisc Agents. Javier Aparicio Maydeu, Pol Beckmann, Pep Puig and Adrià Pujol jump on the Asterisc Van and join, with very different...
September 2018
We confess: it has been an amazing back-to-work! Intense: simultaneity of presentations, professional appointments, news ... Productive: the foreign rights marked organized by the IRL Fun: hugs and beers with colleagues by profession. And above...
September 2018
August has lead to a new season that arrives full of news, the calendar does not give a minute to relax and we would like to share the most important of the coming days. Are you with us? Next Friday begins the 36th edition of the Setmana del...
September 2018
Starting today and until September 16th,, the Books in Catalan Week is, in short, a small, innovative and sustainable city, of reading, books and magazines in Catalan. Readers and authors, agents and publishers, booksellers, public readings, round...
August 2018
El llibre de les emocions, Gemma Lienas #Stories7-9 #Conflict&Solution #MintFairy "You see, Ona? I was right. Good luck or bad luck do not exist. Everything depends on the way each one looks at things." Mans negres, Jordi de...
August 2018
Sorra vermella, J.N. Santaeulàlia #Friendship #War #Exile #HistoricalNovel "I would have wholeheartedly preferred that damn bullet had touched me. Sunken and dazed, I drove with blurred vision and a lump in my...
August 2018
Narcís Monturiol i les pedres de l'infern, Sebastià Roig #GraphicNovel #Surrealism #SciFi "Hallucinations... What a clever way to scare and eliminate the curious. The English soldiers and these non-existent monsters must...
August 2018
La dona del Cadillac, Joan Carreras #thriller #escape #loveAt50 #redemption "Si volgués, ja t'hauria ficat el cap a dins d'aquesta paperera. De veritat que ets molt estrany. Sou tots igual, aquí? O només ho feu...
July 2018
Melissa & Nicole, David Nel·lo #Family #Identity #Trip #Sweden "What is it that unites these two families? Everything and nothing, everything and nothing. Yes, of course, Melissa -so American, she was- and Nicole -the perfect...
July 2018
Vides aturades (Stopped Lives), Bel Olid #OpenArms #Refugees #Shelter "The field? What do you want me to tell you about the situation in the field? It's terrible." Ter Kiye, 45 years old Anantapur, David...
July 2018
To teach & to learn. Learning while teaching. These are two concepts we've learnt since we started Asterisc Agents and decided we wanted to share with other colleagues and professionals what we know, what we have learned over the years....
June 2018
Gemma Lienas received the 38th Premi BBVA Sant Joan last night, one of the most illustrious Catalan literature awards, supported by the Fundació Antigues Caixes Catalanes together with the Fundació Antiga Caixa Sabadell 1859 and...
June 2018
A new edition, there is no better news for an author! Nothing else but the emotion of seeing how they come, one after the other, quietly and with the joy of knowing that works find their way to more and more readers. In Asterisc Agents we...
May 2018
This Spring has brought a lot of new titles, there is something for everyone. Some of them, today, follow: - A selection of thirty-two samples of friendship, which Jaume Subirana has edited. Young people will see poetry as never before with...
May 2018
Il Salone Internazionale del libro from Turin was held for the first time in 1986 and since then it grew and expanded its actions as a Salon. Among other projects, they created the IBF (Internazionale Book Forum) in 2002, a Foreign Rights...
April 2018
The Sant Jordi's day was exultant, massive, floral, bookish, and full of signatures! Jo soc aquell que va matar Franco, Joan-Lluís Lluís, was number 2 in sales! Nou homenatge a Catalunya, by Vicent Partal, was among the top 10 of...
April 2018
By now, many countries celebrate the Day of the Book and the Rose also known as Sant Jordi's Day, a tradition that started in 303aC to recall Saint George's Death. In November 1995, UNESCO declared 23rd April as the International Day of...
April 2018
By now, many countries celebrate the Day of the Book and the Rose also known as Sant Jordi's Day, a tradition that started in 303aC to recall Saint George's Death. In November 1995, UNESCO declared 23rd April as the International Day of...
March 2018
Bologna, once more. Bologna Book Fair, a year after Catalonia being the guest country. This year is China. David and Goliat. And all will bring new titles, new projects, new authors. Meeting colleagues, making a lot of appointments and especially...
March 2018
New Homage to Catalonia (Nou homenatge a Catalunya) obviously connects directly with the book by George Orwell, Homage to Catalonia, published by Secker & Wardburg, exactly 80 years ago. Now, rephrasing Orwell, Vicent Partal, one of the most...
March 2018
A biologist, Daniel Closa. A doctor, Salvador Macip. A social network, Facebook. Two cities, Barcelona and Leicester. One only will: share knowledge. One same goal: to explain cancer. An excellent result: 100 Questions On Cancer. A great...
March 2018
We are rebels and we are not whores or submissives. If necessary, we take the machine gun and go out to claim. We have survival kits to detect sex harassment or the salary gap and we have the intelligence to be able to demand equality in the charges...
February 2018
The memory of the tree already translated into 6 languages! We did know from the very beggining that this book by Tina Vallès would give us great joys. First it received the Anagrama Llibres Prize. Later, the great readers' reception...
February 2018
The best news for an author, publisher, agent, distributor, bookseller and reader are the top ten reissues and titles. Not necessarily in this order but it is easy to understand that they are a reason for celebration. That's why Asterisc Agents...
February 2018
Jo soc aquell que va matar Franco (I'm the One Who Killed Franco) by Joan-Lluís Lluís, the last Sant Jordi Award, reaches the bookstores. If, as the publisher says, "Each new novel by Joan Lluís Lluís is a...
January 2018
And the year begins and we can't wait telling you about our new and promising titles. Some of the umissable books of 2018 will be: -I am the one who killed Franco by Joan-Lluís Lluís, a literary jewel that just received the most...
December 2017
We will be away for a few days. We hope you can also rest a bit, get relaxed, eat all what you feel crazy about, laugh a lot and sleep a lot more. But among all, we wish you get to read half of the half of books you have on your "pending list...
December 2017
Author Joan-Lluís Lluís received last Friday December 15th, the Sant Jordi 2017 Award, considered the most prestigious and recognized Catalan literary prize. The critics have always seen Lluís as a extraordinary...
December 2017
Three is a magic number, right? So, please count with us! In Asterisc Agents we have just received: 3 new lovely books --Melissa & Nicole, by David Nel·lo, Prudenci Bertrana Award --El libro de las emociones, by Gemma...
October 2017
This new book by Roig & Benages the reader will find an incredible and fantastic story that takes place in the late nineteenth century, set in Cadaqués and the famous inventor, Narcís Monturiol, as the protagonist. The tone of...
October 2017
And one more year, the Frankfurt Fair has taken place with the usual in-a-rush up and downs, happy meetings and the exchange of inexcusable readings. Meetings that do not even last twenty minutes, some drinks in the afternoon -more scarce as years...
October 2017
We already know that the Frankfurt Book Fair is the one that creates higher expectations and more bookish passion. Once there the glutony of books is monumental, but these are gluttonies that all the bookworms understand and share. In the Buchmesse...
September 2017
Precisely one year ago, Asterisc Agents made its starting public and did it with all the authors, friends and colleagues who accompany us every day in this adventure. Today, on the same day, 29th, we will meet with our authors to celebrate this...
September 2017
The literary prizes of Girona are presented tonight. David Nel·lo, writer and flautist, receives the Prudenci Bertrana Award for the novel Melissa i Nicole, given with the unanimity of the jury. Melissa i Nicole is an exceptional...
September 2017
We have just started the literary season and Jordi Coca already occupies all the media culture pages. The Emperor, an extraordinary novel, has just been published 20 years later from its first edition, by Comanegra publishing house. Coca, one of...
August 2017
It seems we're all ending our vacation and our long list of books to read got (hopefully!) to mid way. But don't worry, they say that next year we will have another summer! Now we have to take the winter rhythm and start juggling to find...
July 2017
Once more the New Spanish Books shortlist 2017 has been published. El navegant by Joan-Lluís Lluís has been one of the 14 books chosen out of almost 300 titles! The Panels are usually formed by six industry experts, amongst which...
July 2017
Red Hen, independent American publisher, Legend Times, a British publishing group and Cortez Editora, children's educational publisher located in Brazil join the list of the first catalogs represented by Asterisc Agents, as Samir Éditeur...
June 2017
In Catalunya a great deal of emphasis is placed on the Summer Solstice - the shortest night of the year. It is a public holiday renowned for the electric atmosphere in the air and the crazy parties that take place. There are said to be three symbols...
May 2017
After the course given last May 25th, Asterisc Agents offers next 6th June a second session on bookfairs and internationalization of publishers work. Do we prepare fairs well enough, how should we organize the perfect schedule of appointments or how...
May 2017
Sylvia Lagarda-Mata has been awarded the first prize in the category "Stories" at the III edition of the Talent Awards. Through the designation "Barcelona ciutat de la Literature" by UNESCO, these awards have the purpose of...
May 2017
For some time we all expected a new novel by J.N. Santaeulàlia. After some years of silence, arrives this love story of a father for her daughter. A daughter he has not even assist her birth. Located in the toughest moments of postwar,...
May 2017
The novel El navegant, by Joan Lluís Lluís has been awarded by Crítica Serra d'Or Award for the best novel published in Catalan in 2016. The Crítica Serra d'Or Award are the most prestigious in the country since...
April 2017
Because every day should be The Book Day. If you want to know what has just published by our authors and what are they working in right now don't miss Asterisc Agents' Spring catalogues. Make of a simple day, a day full of new stories!
April 2017
By now, many countries celebrate the Day of the Book and the Rose also known as Sant Jordi's Day, a tradition that started in 303aC to recall Saint George's Death. In November 1995, UNESCO declared 23rd April as the International Day of...
April 2017
Congratulations Borja de Riquer Permanyer, recently honored with Creu Sant Jordi 2017. The text published by the Catalan Government states that this recognition is due to "the relevance of his studies on the Catalan political and Francoism,...
April 2017
We're going to Bologna! We’ll be out of the office some days in an ideal setting for all those who love books: stands full of new titles, revisited classics and new formats, all designed to keep stimulating reading among the...
March 2017
We have two big news for publishers! Number one: Public call for grants for the publication abroad of illustrated works of Catalan children’s and youth literature. Please, find more info here. Number two: The Institut Ramon Llull (IRL)...
March 2017
«My fantasy is a submachine gun. When I go down the street and a stranger shouts me something: submachine gun. When politicians makes sexist comments: submachine gun. When the bishop explains how we don't want to be raped, if we claim...
March 2017
«My fantasy is a submachine gun. When I go down the street and a stranger shouts me something: submachine gun. When politicians makes sexist comments: submachine gun. When the bishop explains how we don't want to be raped, if we claim...
February 2017
We all would like to reduce the meat in our daily meals. It's many of us that are aware of the ecological waste from the overproduction of meat. However, it can be a big sacrifice to renounce a good steak or some "jamón". But...
February 2017
The happiness of Sant Jordi is already obvious in some of the bookstores shelves. It will be a great Sant Jordi, wait and see! We start with 2 spledid awards: 21st Tuesday: Cafarnaüm by Jaume Subirana at Altaïr. 19h. Mancomunitat de la...
February 2017
We are delighted to announce that Asterisc Agents and the Association of Translators APTIC have signed a collaboration and advisory agreement to offer a service to the partners who have doubts about the editorial contracts. On February 24th, the...
January 2017
We are very excited to report that the historian Borja de Riquer, the journalist Vicent Partal and the writer Francesc Serés join the list of authors represented by Asterisc Agents. It is a great responsibility to work for the twenty...
January 2017
Monday 16: Tina Vallès receives the Llibres Anagrama Award with La memòria de l'arbre, a well deserved prize for an extraordinary novel. And it fills us all with happiness. Congratulations! Tuesday 17: we receive the most...
January 2017
Tina Vallès has recived the prize "Llibres" by Anagrama publishing house, with The memory of the tree, a novel admirably written and beautifully constructed on the transmission of memories, how to built them and how to keep them,...
January 2017
The well known illustrations of Guridi & and the excellent writer Isabelle Chaubert, tell us a revisited version of The Little Red Riding Hood, in which the book and reading are the basis of a long, solid friendship
November 2016
Writers are always writing and fantasizing, but some are closer to publishing time than others. Here some clues... Jordi Cervera, David Nel·lo and Tina Vallès will each publish a book in the same house. The order of the authors is...
November 2016
Assicle Xatot has a gift and he is eager to discover how far can he travel with it, therefore he begins the greatest adventure around the world! Soon there will be an English sample to be read!
November 2016
Jaume Subirana describes his awarded work: "is more a notebook than a memoir, it is not even a diary; in fact, it is more like a box of memories or a scrapbook". #Cafarnaüm is the Catalan word for Capernaum, the fishing village...
November 2016
Assicle Xatot has a gift and he is eager to discover how far can he travel with it, therefore he begins the greatest adventure around the world!
November 2016
Friday 11th at 8pm, Jordi Cervera celebrates this week his 25th aniversary from his first published book. We want to congratulate him and hope for 25 more years to come!
October 2016
We will soon discover why Hilda is a brilliant character! Don't miss Living with Hilda can be inconvinient (Destino/Estrella Polar)
October 2016
A perfect a game of mirrors that brings us two lives marked by the passion for Science.
October 2016
Soon we will know the figures of the Frankfurt Book Fair success. Meanwhile, Asterisc Agents, which participated for the first time, can say that it has been a success and that the project, authors and their titles had a great reception! #FBF2016
September 2016
By the 29th September this web, the logo and twitter (@asterisc_ag) have stop being a mistery. Welcome!
September 2016
Herba negra (Black grass) is a novel between fantasy and SCF. It has been written together with Ricard Ruiz Garzón. (@MacipGarzon)
September 2016
Less than a week ahead before the Frankfurt's Bookfair, Asterisc Agents will be working intensevely. Looking for it!
September 2016
Hardly two months after of its start, Asterisc Agents will assist the #FrankfurtBookfair and we are extremely happy to have been able to do so! It will be a week of reunion of colleagues and to explain the project and the books of our authors....
September 2016
Without revealing the secret that will soon be known by anyone, we leave here a piece of Herba negra's cover (Black Grass). An apocalyptic thriller and very green!