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Symbol similar to a little star used in written texts to draw the reader's attention

Narcís Monturiol i les pedres de l'infern, Sebastià Roig
#GraphicNovel #Surrealism #SciFi

"Hallucinations... What a clever way to scare and eliminate the curious. The English soldiers and these non-existent monsters must have a lot to do with the disappearances."

Tu i jo, Jaume Subirana
#32waysofsayingit #Poetryforteens #Love&Hate

"Love is burning friendship ", Jeremy Taylor

Herba negra, Salvador Macip & Ricard Ruiz

#Fantasy #Crossover #SciFi #Awarded

The green spot continues to spread before the astonished eyes of the three boys and, after a year has passed, almost all of Catalonia is green. Three years, and now it is the entire Spanish Peninsula, which has changed color. Europe only takes five to suffer the same fate.