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The Camino| Anya Niewierra | luitingh sjithoff

50 editions  &  550.000 copies sold

The bestselling literary thriller!

A multi-faceted thriller that impressively weaves together the themes of love, loss, betrayal/deception, war trauma, atonement and self-discovery. A memorable novel that not only grips us with its suspense, but also confronts us with the horrific realities of war, while at the same time delivering an uplifting, romantic conclusion. 

  • #1 in the Dutch Bestseller 60 list. In the list for more than 2 years
  • Close to 5.000 reviews 5* on readers platform Hebban (300.000 members)
  • Dutch author with the most 5 star reviews of all time.
  • First Dutch author to appear on the Bestseller list with all her crime books
  • 1 million copies sold of all Niewierra books combined
  • Awards:

ThrillZone Award (best Dutch crime novel 2021)
Hebban Favorite 2021 (across all genres)
Hebban Crime Award 2022
Most borrowed book of 2023 (prize by CPNB)
NS Readers Award 2023

Rights held: Spanish, Catalan, Basque, Galician, Portuguese (P&B)
Enquiries: info@asteriscagents.com
384 p.
Fiction:  #LiteraryThriller  #HebbanCrimeAward  #1000FiveStarReviews
Original language: Dutch. Long English sample available
Rights Sold:
Dutch (Luitingh-Sijhthoff, original ed)
world English (Simon & Schuster)
Catalan (Columna)
Italian (Neri Pozza)
Spanish (RBA)
Polish (Otwarte)
French (Bragelonne, preempt)
Film rights: to NLFilm

Link: De Camino in Goodreads

Maqluba | Sari Bashi

Told in two voices, a moving and true love story that challenges the tragic current events of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and the growing gap that separates two nations. A man and a woman become outlaws after their love goes beyond borders.

Told in two voices: Osama, a Palestinian professor yearning for freedom who lives and teaches in Ramallah but is trapped in the city, unable to leave it for fear of not being permitted to return; and Sari is an Israeli-American lawyer whose passion for freedom of movement drives her legal battles against the Israeli authorities.

The author and main character, Sari Bashi, is the program director of Human Rights Watch.

Rights held: Spanish, Catalan, Basque, Galician, Portuguese (P&B)
Enquiries: info@asteriscagents.com
Fiction / Narrative memoir
Original language: Hebrew. Full English text available
Rights sold: Italian (Voland)
More information about the author here and downloadable below

Little Mister. The Tale of an Extraordinary Cat | Sanne Vogel| Ambo Anthos

An upmarket commercial title recounting a year in the life of ‘little mister’, a neighbourhood cat living in Amsterdam. Warm and atmospheric.

7.000 copies sold  |  7 languages  |  4 preempts

The book follows a year in the life of Little Mister, an Amsterdam cat who makes friends with all the (human) neighbours in the neighbourhood, each one more bizarre than the last: from a former acrobat who now spends his days hooked on reality shows sitting on one of those mobility scooters to an eccentric woman who wears a dead guinea pig on her head and sees Little Mister as her dead pet. The cat shares his observations in a funny way, observations that do not stop hiding a deeper reflection on these apparently everyday encounters. 

A loving and moving tribute to this unforgettable cat, who touched so many lives.' Georgina Verbaan
'A touching book about a cat and its owner' - ELLE
'An ode to her exceptional cat' - LINDA
'A feline story about humanity' - JAN

Rights held: Spanish, Catalan, Basque, Galician, Portuguese (P&B)
Enquiries: info@asteriscagents.com
224 p.
Fiction: #CatStory  #Friendship  #Warm
Original language: Dutch.  Full English text available
Rights sold: 
Dutch: Ambo|Anthos (original)  -  traducción de trabajo entera al inglès
Italian: Garzanti (preempt)
China: Yuan-Liou Publishing Co
English world: Atria/Simon&Schuster (preempt)
Portugese: Porto Editora
Spanish: Grijalbo/Penguin Random House (preempt)
Catalan: La Campana/Penguin Random House (preempt)

Farting Cows and Cars | Mark ter Horst & Yoko Heiligers | Gottmer

In a light-hearted and humorous way, multiple-award-winning children’s non-fiction author Marc ter Horst tackles climate change for curi- ous young readers – and anyone else who wants to listen. He does this honestly, without hiding the truth, but always in an optimistic, hopeful manner. Just like his book for slightly older readers, Palm Trees at the North Pole, Farting Cows and Cars is an enlightening read about the climate issues and its solutions. His most recent book, Virus World, won a Silver Pencil in 2022.

A Little Book on Climate Change

Rights held: Spanish, Catalan, Basque, Galician, Portuguese (P&B)
Enquiries: info@asteriscagents.com
32p · Hardcover · 23 x 27 cm
Age: 5+ | Nonfiction
Original language: Dutch. Full English text available
Rights sold: Portuguese Brazil, Korean, French, German,

Live Like A Hunter Gatherer | Naomi Wamsley | Button Books

Live Like a Hunter Gatherer is an informative and immersive guide to the Stone Age, written by a real-life hunter gatherer!
If you imagined that all Stone Age people lived in caves, were not very clever, not very clean and said “Ugg” a lot, then think again. Marking the start of all human history, the Stone Age lasted around 3.5 million years (the last part of that was only 71 grandparents ago!). Delve into that incredible time with this book packed full of amazing facts, information, crafts, storytelling and myth debunking to find out what it was really like to live as a hunter gatherer.
The British Book Design & Production Awards 
Teach Primary Book Awards
Royal Society Young People's Book Prize
Junior Design Awards (Shortlisted)
Rights held: Spanish, Catalan, Basque, Galician, Portuguese (P&B) | World
Enquiries: info@asteriscagents.com
56 p. · 24,9x20,4cm
Age: 6+ | Fiction / Non Fiction · #...
Original language: English 
Rights sold: Czech, French 
Link: webpage

Where are we going? | Ian De Haes | Alice éditions

A little mouse is wandering when she meets a rabbit. "Not this way" he says. "There are humans shooting everything that moves."
"Not this way either" says the cow. "You’ll get chopped in little pieces."
Not left, not right, not up, not down. Humans are everywhere. Then, where?

Rights held: Spanish, Catalan, Basque, Galician, Portuguese (P&B) | World
Enquiries: info@asteriscagents.com
24 p. · Format · 25x25cm 
Age: 3+ | Fiction  #Ecology #Animals
Original language: French.  Full English text available
Rights sold: French

The Gnome Book | Loes Riphagen | Gottmer

"Dear publisher,

'The Gnome Book' is a book I have always wanted to make. I took all the time I needed for this project and worked on it for more than eighteen months. I felt The Gnome Book had to be very original and modern. It shouldn’t be about the gnomes you might know from stories and fairy tales from the past, but about the modern gnome of our time." Loes Riphagen

Discover with Riphagen how gnomes live, what they’re up to during the day and how they keep themselves hidden so well. As per usual, Loes has created a work with lots of hidden jokes in every single one of her illustrations. Whether it’s a step by step plan for fabricating a gnome’s red hat or a cross section of a gnome’s house. Loes Riphagen’s work is a feast to the eyes!

Rights held: Spanish, Catalan, Basque, Galician, Portuguese (P&B)
Enquiries: info@asteriscagents.com
64 p. · Album Hardcover · 23 x 28 
Age: 4+ | Fiction · #...
Original language: Dutch -  Full English text available
Rights sold: Catalan &Spanish World Rights (Kókionos), English World Rights, French, Italy, German, Sweden, Simple Chinese, Complex Chinese

The Park | Magnus Weightman | Gottmer

Discover the enchanting world of The Park, a captivating search-andfind book illustrated by Magnus Weightman, a Rotterdam architect. The park is a vibrant place filled with adventure, life, and stories, as well as serene green spaces where city residents come together to relax. Join Charlotte as she searches for her dog, exploring every corner of the park in spring, summer, autumn, and winter. You’ll also follow other park visitors like Zeke and Zoey, as well as the gardeners, each with their own unique story. There’s plenty to uncover in The Park!
Rights held: Spanish, Catalan, Basque, Galician, Portuguese (P&B) | World
Enquiries: info@asteriscagents.com
40 p. · Picture Book · 23,5x32,5 cm 
Age: 3+ | Fiction · #A search-and-find book 
Original language: Dutch/ Full English text available
Rights sold: Catalan & Spanish World Rights (Tramuntana), Greek

I’m Vincent and I’m Not Scared | Enne Koens | Luitingh-Sijthoff

Finalist for the Deutscher Jugendliteraturpreis in Germany (2020) and the Strega Award in Italy (2022)
Translated into 9 languages and international film in production
A touching book on bullying from the perspective of a heartwarming main character

For Vincent, school is like survival camp: you never know exactly when the next disaster might strike, so you better be well prepared. That’s why Vincent knows the Survival Manual inside out and always carries a can of tools with him to get him through any unforeseen situation. But the worst is yet to come: school camp. He only has seven days left to prepare for it. Then a new girl, Jasmijn, joins his class, and that changes everything…


Rights held: Spanish, Catalan, Basque, Galician, Portuguese (P&B) | World
Enquiries: info@asteriscagents.com
183 p. ·
Age: 10+ | Fiction  #Bullying #Survival #ImaginaryFriends #Schoolcamp
Original language: XXX. English sample available / Full English text available
Rights sold: Gerstenberg verslag (Germany), Camelozampa (Italy), Meander (The Czech Republic), Beijing White Horse Time Culture Development (Simplified Chinese, via New River Literary), Kachelly Publishing House (Russia), Hansol Soobook Publishing (Korea, via Momo agency), Liegra (Latvian, via Livia Stoia), Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Wroc?awskiego (Poland) and Timas (Turkey, via Kalem Agency)
Film rights sold: Flare Film GmbH

Simon Goes Right | Nicole Van Brummelen | Luitingh-sijthoff

An interactive and hilarious book that teaches you the difference between left and right
Did you know that 42% of the adults have trouble in knowing where left and right is? Just like seagull Simon!

It’s season of migration... but Simon has trouble with differentiating left and right and loses his companions. In his search for his friends, he comes across many animals that will help him find his way back in a peculiar manner: ‘turn two pages to the right and you’ll find the whale, maybe he knows where your friends are’. Including a trip from Paris to Australia and many funny interactions, clumsy Simon learns what left and right is while staying completely true to himself.

A character you’ll 100% fall in love with!

Rights held: Spanish, Catalan, Basque, Galician, Portuguese (P&B) | World
Enquiries: info@asteriscagents.com
32 p. ·
Age: 4+ | Non Fiction
Original language: Dutch | Full English text available
Rights sold: Catalan & Spanish (Tramuntana)
Link: Simon

The man who listened to the birdsong | Chistian Merveille & Valeria Docampo | Alice Éditions

In a country ruled by a tyran, a man dares to resist the king’s orders. He refuses to lay down when the king passes by, because he wants to listen a bird singing. The police arrests him and tortures him. They will tear out his eyes and ears but he will still believe in the birdsong.

An album to address the subject of torture with good words and poetic images, without being infantilizing and with the most beautiful illustrations by Valeria Docampo.

Rights held: Spanish, Catalan, Basque, Galician, Portuguese (P&B)
Enquiries: info@asteriscagents.com
40 p. | 19 x 30 cm
Age: 8+ | Fiction
Original language: French | Full English text available


A Little More Fun Getting Older | Wies verbeek | Ambo Anthos

20.000 copies sold!

Surprising insights into the healthy aging process as well as handy tips and tricks, ranging across diet, menopause, appearance, breathing, the brain and much more besides. All under the heading of ‘little effort, big result’. One of those books that you didn’t know you were waiting for. This impressive collection of useful and worthwhile tips saves you years of research. You can put them into practice right away!

  • 101 surprising and sure-fire tips for body and mind
  • Easy accessible and inspiring
Rights held: Spanish, Catalan, Basque, Galician, Portuguese (P&B) 
Enquiries: info@asteriscagents.com
216 p.
Non Fiction: #PracticalTips  #ScientificBacking
Original language: Dutch. English sample available
Link: Plenty of info here

Listen | Sacha Bronwasser | Ambo Anthos

In 1989 twenty-one-year-old Marie leaves the Netherlands in a great rush. In Paris she starts work as an au pair for a bourgeois family and tries to build a new life for herself.

In the publisher's words: A literary hot title covering all kind of subjects (identity, friendship guilt, obsession, abuse, power relations, terrorism), connecting these most elegantly. In her poignant, straightforward and elegant style Bronwasser handles this fast-paced story perfectly. She grips the reader from the beginning and keeps you wondering as to what will happen next. All expectations of the reader again and again are not met.

6 weeks – 6 prints – 10.000 copies

"A highly ingenious novel that is also moving. Resolute and evocative, and told in a way that definitely rewards the reader." – NRC
"Ingenious new novel. Masterfully constructed. A novel that you can only admire." – Trouw
"A meticulously constructed and convincing story that gets under your skin from the very first page." – De Telegraaf
"Multi-layered story, with an interesting structure." – Het Parool

Rights held: Spanish, Catalan, Basque, Galician, Portuguese (P&B)
Enquiries: info@asteriscagents.com
256 p.
Fiction: #LiteraryThriller  #QuickBestseller  #ThoughtProvoking
Original language: Dutch. Long English sample available
Rights Sold: Norwegian (Solum Bokvennen), world English (Penguin)

The Last Parking Lot Before The Beach | Sophie Loubière | IFS éditions (Leor Agency)

In the summer of 2003, at the seaside resort of Saint-Jean-de-Monts, in the French Vendée, a teenager disappears. Then two, then three... Some are found, others not. Who kidnaps them? And why? In a falsely relaxed atmosphere of a resort village, this book tackles, through a carefully crafted plot, the contemporary and crucial issues of missing children, parental resignation, and teenagers in search of a future.

By a multi-awarded author, translated and available in more than twenty countries.

"With talent, accuracy and a touch of sensuality." - Le Figaro
"Suspense is built up almost like a screenplay." - Le Monde
"Narrative shock: it's a puzzle. In real time. The writing is accurate and meticulous: realism and subtlety." - Rolling Stone

Rights held: Spanish, Catalan, Basque, Galician, Portuguese (P&B)
Enquiries: info@asteriscagents.com
336 p.
Fiction:  #Thriller   #MissingChildren
Original language: French.
Link: Publisher's website

The Blessed Adventure Of The Toxic Bag | David Zaoui | Eyrolles (Leor Agency)

In a poor suburban neighbourhood, three religious men join forces to do the right thing with dirty money.
"From hilarious situations to domestic dramas, David Zaoui cheerfully embarks the reader on a captivating quest, driven by the hope for a better life."
→ A crazy quest, driven by the hope for a better life.
→ An extraordinary humanist adventure.
→ A witty writing style.

Rights held: Spanish, Catalan, Basque, Galician, Portuguese (P&B)
Enquiries: info@asteriscagents.com
Fiction: #SocialFeelGood  #CosyMystery
Original language: French
Link: Eyrolles site

Spring in Siberia | Artem Mozgovoy | Red Hen Press

When Alexey’s classmate confesses his love (in 1985 Russia), the desire of two boys to be together clashes violently with the mad world around them. A coming-of-age novel that explores the healing power of literature, the magic of first love, and the ways our family and homeland can save (or shatter) us. 

​“Very impressed. Touching and well written, genuinely compelling and convincing."
Stephen Fry, author of the Greek Mythology Trilogy

Rights held: Spanish, Catalan, Basque, Galician, Portuguese (P&B)
Enquiries: info@asteriscagents.com
Fiction: #LGTBI #ComingOfAge
Link: Author's website

The Chinese Woman From The Painting | Florence Tholozan| M+ Éditions (Leor Agency)

One day, browsing the stands at a garage sale, two lovers Melisande and Guillaume’s gaze fall upon a strange painting. In the foreground, they see a serene Chinese woman, while in the background they spot a couple who could easily be themselves but much older. How can such a coincidence be possible? Or is there something more to it? To unravel the mysteries, the two lovers set off on a great journey through China. They don't yet imagine all of the secrets that the painting is hiding and how much their life will change. 

A contemporary love story, faithfully reproduced in a historical painting, directly leads a couple on a mysterious journey into the heart of China.

  • Winner of the 2020 Authors Words Award
  • Finalist of the 2019 Romantic Book Award
  • Finalist of the 2021 Lions Literature Award

Rights held: Spanish, Catalan, Basque, Galician, Portuguese (P&B)
Enquiries: info@asteriscagents.com
276 p.
Fiction: #Romantic #LifeChangingTravel
Original language: French. English Sample available.
Rights sold: English (Harvard Square), German (Drachenhaus), Polish (Slowne), Russian (MTS Library)
Link: Plot & Key Selling Points

Death. A Fact of Life | Claudia Crobatia | ten have (Shared Stories)

The general attitude of our modern society is ignoring death as much as possible. In a witty and revealing manner, Claudia Crobatia analyses why death is such a taboo in our culture and how other cultures deal with it in a healthier way. Ultimately, awareness of our own mortality leads to a life filled with more happiness and meaning.

Tools to get more comfortable with the idea of death and reduce some of this death anxiety.

Rights held: Spanish, Catalan, Basque, Galician, Portuguese (P&B)
Enquiries: info@asteriscagents.com
280 p.
Non Fiction: #Deathfluencer
Original language: Dutch. English sample available
Link: Meet Claudia the Dathfluencer

The Sleeping Car Porter | Suzette Mayr | Coach House

The Sleeping Car Porter brings to life a long-neglected part of Black and queer histories through the spell­binding, magical story of the singular –and unforgettable– Baxter, the car porter.


Rights held: Spanish, Catalan, Basque, Galician, Portuguese (P&B)
Enquiries: info@asteriscagents.com
224 p.
Fiction: #BlackHistory  #QueerLiterature
Rights sold: UK (Dialogue Books/Hachette UK), German (Wagenbach)
Link: Praises, Awards & Reviews

The Humanist Killer | David Zaoui| Livre du Poche (Leor Agency)

Babinsky has a gift. A gift from heaven. He aims and shoots like no one else. Taken in by a professional criminal in the orphanage where he grew up, he becomes a contract killer in spite of himself. But beware! He might be a hitman, but he is also a humanist who has made it his job to make his future victims happy before he kills them.

Babinsky is a hitman.
A hitman, yes, but he is also a humanist who has made it his job to make his future victims happy before he kills them.

Rights held: Spanish, Catalan, Basque, Galician, Portuguese (P&B)
Enquiries: info@asteriscagents.com
196 p.
Fiction: #CosyCrime  #UnusualThriller   
Original language: French. English sample available
Rights sold: Mass-market (Le livre de Poche), French audio (SAGA), Russian (MTS Library), Movie rights (optioned)
Link: The Humanist Killer in Leor's site

YOKO | Yoko Inagaki and Christel van Bree | Becht (Gottmer)

In YOKO, you will meet Yoko Inagaki, who lives and works in Japan's food mecca: Osaka.
Through Yoko's surprising stories, funny anecdotes and vivid childhood memories, you will get a glimpse into the heart of Japanese cuisine. Delicious recipes with a wonderful insight into Japanese food culture, personal anecdotes and funny facts.

YOKO introduces us to Japanese cuisine and culture.
‘This is my new favourite cookbook! It's as if Yoko is teaching me to cook in her own kitchen.' - Joyce Aalsma, The Sushi Times

Rights held: Spanish, Catalan, Basque, Galician, Portuguese (P&B)
Enquiries: info@asteriscagents.com
240 p. · Full colour illustrated · 240 x 240 cm
Non Fiction: #Cookbook #JapaneseCulture
Original language: Dutch. English sample available
Link: Meet Yoko in YouTube

From Seed To Table | Véronique Chable | Éditions Apogée (Leor Agency)

A journey through time, discovering seeds in their historical, scientific, cultural, socio-economic and politcal context. Our society is increasingly concerned about the quality of our food and environment. There is also growing concern about the loss of biodiversity. Is turning to organic farming and its products enough? How can we become involved in the renewal and rebirth of diversity? A call for a collective awareness.

From Neolithic plant domestication to the renewed interest in farmers’ seeds today, the seed is a reflection of our vision of the world.

Rights held: Spanish, Catalan, Basque, Galician, Portuguese (P&B)
Enquiries: info@asteriscagents.com
240 p.
Non Fiction: #EcoAgriculture #Biodiversity
Original language: French. English sample available
Rights sold: Italian (Terra Nuova)

Overcoming Fear and Anxiety | Arentina Drenth| Altamira (Gottmer)

We all have fears and anxieties to a greater or lesser degree.

In this book, author Arentina Drenth helps you to draw up a plan of action that will help you overcome your fear and anxiety. With her straightforward and accessible phrasing, everyone can get started with her practical tips and exercises. The scientific theory that is used is clearly explained and clarified with illustrations.

Rights held: Spanish, Catalan, Basque, Galician, Portuguese (P&B)
Enquiries: info@asteriscagents.com
160 p. 
Non Fiction: #OnAnxiety SelfHelpHandbook #SelfConfidence
Original language: Dutch. English sample available

The Royal House | Herman Koch | AmboAnthos

The primary purpose of most royal houses these days is to deliver stories: a blunder here, a political mishap there, a holiday home buil with millions of euros of public funds in a developing country where the average day’s pay is less than the price of a toilet roll back home. Then of course there are the magazine photos: a wedding, the christening of a new heir, a royal funeral. This book tells the story of an exception to all that toothless mediocrity.

"Black comedy. Vintage Koch: a masterful and riveting double whammy"
Elsevier Weekblad
A modern-day Shakespearean drama in Ten acts. Stirring, witty and sometimes shocking.
40.000 copies sold in 2 months  &  Bestseller listed

Rights held: Spanish, Catalan, Basque, Galician, Portuguese (P&B)
Enquiries: info@asteriscagents.com
256 p.
Fiction: #Shakespearian #BlackComedy
Original language: Dutch. English sample available
Rights sold: Finnish
Link: Meet the Author

Coffee, Shopping, Murder, Love | Carlos Allende | Red Hen Press

“The unapologetically wicked characters of this darkly comedic novel are beyond salvation. Allende’s masterful comedy of errors comes out hot. Funny, shocking, and depraved.” - Charles Jensen, author of Nanopedia

"It’s been a long time since I’ve read a book as unabashedly, that makes me laugh out loud while cringing at the same time." - Independent Book Review

A campy dark comedy for the angry and the disenchanted.
Quill Prose Award Winner.

Rights held: Spanish, Catalan, Basque, Galician, Portuguese (P&B)
Enquiries: info@asteriscagents.com
312 p.
Fiction: #LGTBI #DarkestComedy #Wild
Link: Praises & Reviews

Homo Plasticus | Roel Verheul | ten have (Shared Stories)

Verheul debunks the myth that man is immutable. Humanity’s greatest strength is its unparalleled capacity for adaptation and change. Evidence from evolutionary biology, genetics and psychology show that we are born adaptors, who constantly change as our environment changes. This process is explained in this fascinating book, which brings the reader up to date with the latest scientific insights into the nature of human beings.

The Myth of the Unchanging Human  |  The Science of Our Adaptability

Rights held: Spanish, Catalan, Basque, Galician, Portuguese (P&B)
Enquiries: info@asteriscagents.com
344 p.
Non Fiction: #Anthropology #Psychology
Original language: Dutch. English sample available
Link: Homo Plasticus in ten have's site

What I Would Have Liked To Have Known Earlier | Marian Mudder | AmboAnthos

A no-nonsense, humorous and loving guide to a lighter life. Meditation, yoga, Emotionally Freedom Techniques (‘tapping technique’), research, note-to-self lists and tips and tricks. The ultimate self-help book for beginners and more experienced readers in the personal growth genre.

  • Reveals the anatomy of emotional problems.
  • Focuses on solutions.
  • Perfect link between psychology, neurology and spirituality.

15.000 copies sold

Rights held: Spanish, Catalan, Basque, Galician, Portuguese (P&B)
Enquiries: info@asteriscagents.com
256 p.
Non Fiction: #Fear #SelfLove #Acceptance
Original language: Dutch. Full English translation available
Link: Meet the Author

The Rule of Mirror | Yoshinori Noguchi | Comanegra

A magic rule to solve any problem in life. 
The most emotional story to learn how to solve life's problems by looking within yourself. Happiness was never so within reach. 

+ 1 million copies in Japan  |  200k copies in Spanish
Title of the bestselling EMOTION SERIES:
Small short books with inspirational fables on emotions

Rights held: World
Enquiries: info@asteriscagents.com
104 p. · Softcover · 13x18
#FeelGoodFables #MagicRule #InspirationalSeries
Original language: Japanese. Foreign translations accepted from Spanish edition
Rights sold: Spanish (Comanegra), Italy (Sperling & Kupfer), Portugal (Presença), Greece (Pedio), Serbia (Vulkan)
Link: Meet the Author in YouTube

What We Talk About When We Talk About Dumplings | John Lorinc | Coach House

If the world's cuisines share one common food, it might be the dumpling, a dish that can be found on every continent and in every culinary tradition, from Asia to Central Europe to Latin America. Originally from China, they evolved into ravioli, samosas, momos, gyozas, tamales, pierogies, matzo balls, wontons, empanadas, potato chops, and many more.

Histories, treatises, family legends, and recipes about the world’s favourite lump of carbs.

BOOKILIST: “Some essays are terrifically informative…but this collection speaks to the heart of all who grew up eating dumplings at their grandmother's table.”

Rights held: Spanish, Catalan, Basque, Galician, Portuguese (P&B)
Enquiries: info@asteriscagents.com
176 p. · b/w illustrations
Non Fiction: #Cookbook
Link: Dumplings in Coach House site

Disfigured. On Fairy Tales, Disability and Making Space | Amanda Leduc | Coach House

In fairy tales, happy endings are the norm –as long as you're beautiful and walk on two legs. Examinations of disability in tales from the Brothers Grimm and Hans Christian Andersen through to modern interpretations ranging from Disney to Angela Carter.
Leduc connects the fight for disability justice to the growth of modern, magical stories, and argues for increased awareness and acceptance of that which is other – helping us to see and celebrate the magic inherent in different bodies.

What happens when you identify more with the Beast than Beauty?

Rights held: Spanish, Catalan, Basque, Galician, Portuguese (P&B)
Enquiries: info@asteriscagents.com
250 p. · 4ed
Non Fiction: #OnDifference
Rights sold: Germany (Nautilus Verlag), South Korea (Eulyoo)
Link: Praises & Reviews

Wait, I'll help you! | Charlotte Bellière Orbie | Alice Éditions

Letting a child dress alone is sometimes a... let’s say... startling experience for parents, but it’s good for autonomy!

"Wait, I'll help you" is what Lisette hears every morning. Mom takes a long time to dress her, her hair, prepare her and especially to choose everything for her. One day Lisette gets fed up and when mom interrupts her with her usual "Wait, I'll help you", Lisette says "NO". Mom, will have to pacient to see the results...

Rights held: Spanish, Catalan, Basque, Galician, Portuguese (P&B)
Enquiries: info@asteriscagents.com
40p · Hardcover · 21 x 24cm
Original language: French

Bird is Dead | Tiny Fisscher and Herma Starreveld | Gottmer

Bird is dead. Yesterday he was alive. Some of the other birds cry a little. And that’s alright. Crying together can be nice. Then it’s time to give Bird a funeral. All of Bird’s friends and even some of the birds who didn’t like him that much are helping. They dig a grave. They speak lovely words. They sing a song. They miss him a lot, and cry some more. And after? Tea and worms. Or cake, if you don’t like worms.

Rights held: Spanish, Catalan, Basque, Galician, Portuguese (P&B)
Enquiries: info@asteriscagents.com
32p · Hardcover · 25 x 25 cm
Age: 6+ | Fiction
Original language: Dutch. English complete version
Rights sold: English World rights, France, Germany, Japan, Spanish & Catalan (Birabiro)

Take my hand? | Tjibbe Veldkamp & Wouter Tulp | De Fontein

Anne wants to visit the apes, but her father wants to go home. Then she meets a boy whose father is going to the zoo. They swap fathers. Anne keeps swapping fathers until she reaches the apes.

Wouter Tulp is known for his versatility and has illustrated many children’s books. He now mainly works as a character designer for feature animation and has worked on several international film projects by, among others, Netflix, Paramount, Sony and Skydance. Tjibbe Veldkamp is a renowned writer and writing coach. He has won five Silver Slate Pencils, the Children’s Book store Award, Picture book of the year 2022, the Boekenpauw 2020 and was nominated for the Woutertje Pieterse Prize in 2021.

Rights held: Spanish, Catalan, Basque, Galician, Portuguese (P&B)
Enquiries: info@asteriscagents.com
32 p · Hardcover · 22 x 29
Age: 3+ | Fiction
Original language: Dutch. English translation available
Rights sold: Korea (Kookminbooks), Taiwan (Complex Characters, Grimm Press), China (Simplified Characters, Hangzhou Zhuochuang Cultural Media)


Why a Table is Not an Animal | Meneer Zee & Melvin | Horizon

When the crocodile comes ashore one day, he sees a table on the riverbank. He has never seen anything so strange. It has four legs, but no fur. And it has no sharp teeth either. The elephant, the skunk and the snake also think the table is not a real animal. According to them, it does not belong in the jungle at all. This makes the table sad. He so wants to be an animal.

One day, when four chairs join the table, they manage to cheer him up. Maybe he can do more than he thought...


Rights held: Spanish, Catalan, Basque, Galician, Portuguese (P&B)
Enquiries: info@asteriscagents.com
24 p · Hardcover · 29 x 22
Age: 6+
Original language: Ducth. Full English text available


Jealous Apes, Frightened Dogs and Empathetic Rats | Lotte Stegeman & Mark Janssen | Luitingh-Sijthoff

In this unique and fascinating book Lotte Stegeman delves into the hidden emotional lives of animals. For a long time, humans believed that animals did not have emotions. We now know better. But what exactly do they feel? At times, it can be difficult enough to understand other people, but fortunately we have words. But what if you are an elephant in mourning? A jealous monkey? Or a terrified dog? In a lively, infectious narrative style, Lotte Stegeman takes you on an amazing journey where you will discover that there is an awful lot going on in many animals’ heads. Because sometimes animals are just like people...

With an extensive and personal foreword by Jane Goodall

Rights held: Spanish, Catalan, Basque, Galician, Portuguese (P&B) | World
Enquiries: info@asteriscagents.com
112 p · Hardcover ·  28 x 22
Age: 8+ | NonFiction
Original language: Dutch. English sample available
Rights sold: Korean (Dasan Books)

The Ball | Oukje Akveld & Myriam Berenschot | Gottmer

Who could’ve thought a single ball could be the source of so many feelings? You might be jealous when others have a ball to play with, or surprised when you get one for your birthday. You could be proud when you kick it hard, and oops... startled when it bounces through a window.

Rights held: Spanish, Catalan, Basque, Galician, Portuguese (P&B)
Enquiries: info@asteriscagents.com
20 p · Hardcover · 19 x 19 cm
Age: 2+
Original language: Ducth. Full English text available
Rights sold: China

The Mammoths Class | Jerôme Poncin & Ian de Haes | Alice Éditions

September. Back to school. Professor Jeremy Vanderelst gives his students a diary, the Crazy Diary, where each student will write their feelings and experiences along the year.
It all begins with the discovery of a mammoth horn in the school's backyard that leads the boys and girls to consider how life was 2.000 years ago and what the roles of men and women were, which will lead to a debate on many topics that each child will reflect in the diary from their own experiences: there is Adam, the leader, Caeli who does not want to look like a girl, Julius who loves dancing but who hides so that we do not make fun of him... etc. Through this notebook, sexist stereotypes are approached according to each person's position.
Every chapter is written by a different kid which not only gives a dinamic rythim but it allows the reader to change their point of view on the same fact.

#equality #sexism #genderstereotypes #prehistory #discovery #friendship

Rights held: Spanish, Catalan, Basque, Galician, Portuguese (P&B)
Enquiries: info@asteriscagents.com
120p · Trade
Age: 6+ | Fiction
Original language: French
Link: Docu_Theatre


The Mice Library | Carmen García Iglesias | Lata de Sal

Managed by mice, the library lends books to all the animals in the forest. The daily life is happy and readers celebrate book picnics. But one day, some rats (intrigued by the success of the books) decide to eat and destroy as many books as possible. The mice shocked and surprised, decide to get back all the books and to do so, they will need to learn how to make books and to travel back in time to look for its authors. Will they save the destroyed library?

Rights held: Spanish, Catalan, Basque, Galician, Portuguese (P&B) | World
Enquiries: info@asteriscagents.com
64 p. | Hardcover | 17 x 24 cm 
Age: 7+| Fiction
Spanish. Full English text available
Rights sold: Portuguese (Palavras & Rimas)

Gagaroo goes to the Moon | Lida Varvarousi | Book-a-tale

Gagaroo the donkey has a big dream: taking a special trip to the moon with his best friend Apollo. But how will he get there? By elevator, canon ball, a catapult or rocket? They decide by rocket is the best way to go. GAGAROO GOES TO THE MOON is an irresistible story of a donkey/inventor who takes his best friend on his journey to the moon. What a character Gagaroo is!

Rights held: Spanish, Catalan, Basque, Galician, Portuguese (P&B)
Enquiries: info@asteriscagents.com
32p · Hardcover/Softcover · 23 x 29
Age: 4+ | Fiction
Original language: Dutch. Full English text available
Rights sold: Dutch, Greek

Dead, Who Gave You Death? | Iñaki Rubio | Comanegra

The chronicle of one of the most devastating tragedies in the history of the mountains: the last person sentenced to death in Andorra. A look backwards to a time and life in the Pyrenees of which practically no trace remains.
“Under the protection of the Truman Capote of In Cold Blood, Rubio constructs a non-fiction novel.” - Núvol

This is the story of a fratricide that shook the Pyrenees.

Rights held: World
Enquiries: info@asteriscagents.com
360 p. · 3ed
Non Fiction: #NarrativeTrueCrime #Pyrenees
Original language: Catalan. Spanish full text available
Rights sold: Spanish (Medusa Editorial)

Under the Salty Sea | Sergi Caparrós | Rosa dels Vents

From wild Cap de Creus to the hectic Barcelona of the twenties, the pen of Sergi Caparrós completely captivates us and immerses us in a gruesome story where the traffic in antiques and the ambition to dominate beauty spin the lives of the characters.

“Intriguing and absorbing thriller set in the Barcelona of the Universal Expo of 1929.” - Llibresipunt

Rights held: World
Enquiries: info@asteriscagents.com
384 p.
Fiction: #Mystery #Adventure #Antiques
Original language: Catalan

I'm Carme Vila cartoons | Emma Costa

Who is Carme Vila?
“I am a fictional character and reality often overtakes me.”
Emma Costa draws the funniest woman on earth. Meet Carme in the craziest vignettes that work both in one shot or in longer plots: friendship, sex (or lack of), body acceptance, reality crossover, meta-illustration. We are all Carme Vila, the most real cartoon you’ll ever meet.

Sassy, cheeky, fresh and with a strong personality.
Bridget Jones meets Maitena.

Rights held: World
Enquiries: info@asteriscagents.com
IG: @soclacarmevila
Link: Meet the Cartoonist
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