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Symbol similar to a little star used in written texts to draw the reader's attention

We bearly started this new year and we have the feeling that it will be a special one. To start with, we have been told that this is a square year. Whether it's square or round, we're really looking forward for a great year and willing for new translations and excellent new books. In fact, we're sure that you're going to fall in love with some of the titles that will arrive this Spring!
We started the year by being featured in the press in a good article about the people who dedicate themselves to accompanying creators of all kinds of disciplines. And although our job is to work behind the scenes, if one day the spotlight is on our work we also like it. We can't think of a better way to start the year.
And for those of you who missed the classic Asterisc Agents Christmas video, we'll link it here. It lasts 13 seconds!

Happy New Year to everyone, with the hope that it will be better than the one we close. Less wars and more reading.