Monday 16: Tina Vallès receives the Llibres Anagrama Award with La memòria de l'arbre, a well deserved prize for an extraordinary novel. And it fills us all with happiness. Congratulations!
Tuesday 17: we receive the most fantastic noir tales, a tribute to Manuel de Pedrolo. Black Hands (Mans negres), by Jordi de Manuel is the perfect reading for these noir weeks of Tiana and Barcelona.
Wednesday 18: we get the story of the incorrigible and unmanageable Hilda. Living with Hilda (Viure amb la Hilda), by Bel Olid and Mercè Canals, won the Apel·les Mestres Award this year. We open the book and we cannot but smile.
Thursday 19: the poetic day. We receive Tasting menu (Menú degustació) by Jordi Cervera. A book of poems inspired by El Bulli, lush and delicious; and Tu i jo, where Jaume Subirana gives a selection of verses to the young audience to say "I love you" in 32 poetic ways.
Sant Fost, January 2017