August has lead to a new season that arrives full of news, the calendar does not give a minute to relax and we would like to share the most important of the coming days. Are you with us?
Next Friday begins the 36th edition of the Setmana del Llibre in Català (The Catalan Book Week), during which many of Asterisc authors will present their new books, will participate in round tables and will take part in various events. Fin them in the above schedule, and check here the complete list of activities!
Asterisc will also participate in the new Mission of Publishers organized every year by the Institut Ramon Llull within the framework of the Setmana, with 18 editors and international agents with whom we will share the latest books.
And all this with an eye in Frankfurt, preparing appointments for an agenda as demanding as exciting that has been filled to the brim!
But we confess that perhaps what excites us most is to celebrate the 2nd anniversary of Asterisc Agents! Two years that passed in a blink of an eye in which we have done what we love and know how to do: to spread the passion for good books.