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New habits
With September and Autumn a new publishing season begins each year, with its inertias and calendars more or less similar to the previous year. This year everything is different and everything is a challenge: consolidating new ways of working, establishing links through little-exploited ways and adapting to a new way of doing fairs and missions with international publishers. A thrilling opportunity to explore new paths, change some habits and establish others. What will not change is the dedication and enthusiasm, 4 years later, to make the works of our authors and our foreign clients reach as far as possible.
New authors
We are very happy to announce that Sebastià Portell joins the list of authors of Asterisc Agents. Portell, for whom literature is a social fact, considers it important to share readings and books even if it is from the discrepancy. And so, to share, he began to write, first theater for his classmates until he reached the writer and playwright that he is today.
Likewise, we are very excited to announce the addition of Antía Yáñez to the list of authors of Asterisc. Galician writer who writes for both the young ones and the not so young, and who this Fall presents Plan de rescate, III Agustín Fernández Paz Pola Igualdade 2019 Prize.

So, come on, let's start!