Precisely one year ago, Asterisc Agents made its starting public and did it with all the authors, friends and colleagues who accompany us every day in this adventure.
Today, on the same day, 29th, we will meet with our authors to celebrate this year with a vermouth. We wanted to celebrate only with them because they are the ultimate reason for our work and our passion. Starting a manuscript, without knowing anything, without anyone having read it before, without prior opinions or prejudices is a unique pleasure.
One year is nothing, it really flied away, but if we put one after another all the things that have happened to us: the publications, the translations and the awards, then the list is impressing. And best of all, we have not lost a single inch of the eagerness we had on the first day or a drop of curiosity that feds every day by the Asterisc Agents team.
Happy Birthday!
Here you can see the fotos of the party last year!