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Jo soc aquell que va matar Franco (Proa, 2018) has been awarded with the 19th Pemi Joaquim Amat-Piniella, summoned by Òmnium Bages-Moianès and the Ajuntament de Manresa, that recognizes the best narrative work of contemporary social topic published between Fall 2017 and Fall 2018.
The event has been held during the Festa de la Llum held in Manresa and, in addition to the financial endowment, the author has received the sculpture of the renowned Manresan artist Ramon Oms. When collecting the award, Joan-Lluís Lluís has dedicated the award to Joan Rendé, one of the finalists of this year, who said it would be time to give him all the recognition his work deserves.
In the year 2000 this prize was first announced, and now it aims to publicly recognize a narrative work, novel or memoir that reflects a social concern for the contemporary world.
Jo soc aquell que va matar Franco, with 3 editions and almost 20,000 copies sold, is the winning novel of the prestigious Premi Sant Jordi (2017).

(c) Ajuntament de Manresa