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Javier Aparicio Maydeu | Asterisc Agents | Víctor P. de Óbanos

Full Professor of Spanish and Comparative Literature at Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, where he teaches Literature and where he’s the developer of the UPF Art Track, the museum of contemporary art of the university, openemd in 2016.

He has been Visiting Professor in different foreign universities, such as Duke (USA), Montreal (Canada), Roma Tre (Italy) or Tübingen (Germany), as well as a resident researcher at the Royal Academy of Spain in Rome.

In parallel to his academic career, he has a recognized career in the publishing business. He worked with Carmen Balcells as a literary agent for 15 years and in 1995 he founded the Master's Degree in Publishing at the UPF-Barcelona School of Management, which he also directs.

He has been a literary critic for 30 years, 20 of which reviewing international contemporary fiction in "Babelia", El País, and he is one of the most recognized critics in Spanish language.

He has published several books, from key studies that have become essential tools to better read and understand contemporary classics, to literary studies on contemporary creation and the concept of tradition, as well as the annotated editions of Nabokov, Calvino, Mendoza and Modiano, the latter published in Cátedra and Alianza.

Books by Javier Aparicio Maydeu