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Gemma Lienas | Writer | copy: Víctor P. Óbanos

Gemma Lienas (Barcelona, 1951) is a Catalan writer, feminist and speaker. For about 15 years she has been executive publisher in several houses. Before that, for 12 years she has been also a language and literature professor and has taught in postgraduate courses on publishing techniques and narrative structures at the Universitat de Barcelona.

The best way to know who is Gemma Lienas is to see the hundred books that he has published for adults, youth and children who have had the approval of the critics but especially the reader. One of its most popular and translated series is surely Carlota's Diary in which sensitive issues as drugs, sex, immigration or feminism are told from an open and contemporary perspective. Children's series like Emi & Max or The Camelot Tribe have also been popular.
She has received several national prizes (Ramon Llull Prize) and the internationally renowned Honorable Mention of IBBY. Her works have been translated into ten languages.
With The invisible thread, her winning novel of the Sant Joan Award for narrative 2018, she consolidates her career as a literary author as much as Vaixell de Vapor Award recognises her as one of the most solid and consisten YA writers.

Her latest works mirror the author's world: if for the smaller ones she’s written Petits contes amb grans valors (Small Stories with Great Values), to young readers she offers Mai de la vida et deixaria tirada (I would never ever let you down) and their first book on feminism, La rebel·lió de les noies (The Girls Rebellion). And yet for the adult reader she has just published Drets fràgils (Fragile Rights), where she depicts a generation of women who fought and continue fighting for equality between men and women, and Satisfier. Parlem de sexe (Satisfier. Let’s Talk About Sex)  women are given a voice to know how they experience sexuality.

Her last novel, Carmina Massot’s Private Life (Univers, 2022), is a song to the women who, through their free behavior, began to open doors to the new generations.

