Jordi Coca (Barcelona, 1947) is a novelist and playwright. He has a doctorate in Performing Arts, an Advanced Diploma in Catalan Philology and a Higher Degree in Dramatic Arts. His literary career began with Un d’aquells estius, and he has published numerous works ever since, including novels, short stories, poetry, and plays. Notable among his novels are La japonesa, Premi Josep Pla 1992, Sota la pols, Premi Sant Jordi 1999, Lena and Cara d’àngel, Premi Joanot Martorell 2003. He has published two plays that have been staged, Platja negra and Antígona. The list of his books is long and we just mention few of them: La nit de les papallones, En caure la tarda o El diable i l'home just.
With California, published in Catalan and Spanish simultaneously in 2016, it reached its 20th novel after 45 years of literary life and a long and recognized career in the world of culture and literature, of which L'Emperador stands out. With Els ulls dels homes mentiders, he looks back to May 68 and goes one step further in his long career.
In El teatre de Shakespeare en el seu context (Edicions de 1984, 2022) Coca tells of the first meaning of the author's most canonical works, approaching us to what the spectators of his time knew.
In El darrer dia (The Last Day, 2022), Edicions 62, Coca tells the life of a cat and wonders if one can love it as if he were a person. Now, in La quietud (Stillness, 2024), Edicions 62, the author proposes a novel in which the improbable ends up being everyday through the dreams, experiences and illusions.