Tina Vallès (Barcelona, 1976). Graduated in Catalan Philology in the Universitat de Barcelona. Writer, translator and proofreader. Co-editor of the digital magazine for short stories Paper de Vidre.
She is a powerful literary voice and has published several books for adults: L’aeroplà del Raval, Un altre got d’absenta or El parèntesi més llarg, awarded with the 2013 Mercè Rodoreda Award.
She also writes stories for children such as El caganer més divertit del Nadal en 3D, Petita història del Palau Güell, Maic, a book both for children and adults, Bocabava, published in Catalan, Castilian and Portughuese, Totes les pors and La marieta sense taques. Her latest children books are Crec and Erra.
In January 2017, she gets the award "Llibres" given by the prestigious publishing house, Anagrama, for La memòria de l'arbre, whose rights have been sold into 15 languages. With Els pòstits del senyor Nohisoc (Mr. NotThere Post-its, La Galera), "A small miracle" according to Oriol Canosa, wins the Folch i Torres Award 2020.
The challenge after the success of La memòria de l'abre was high but the author has been successful with El Senyor Palomar a Barcelona (Libros Anagrama, 2021), a book that, as explained in the epilogue "this book comes out of a no", by the refusal to accept the death of Calvin's character.
"A wonderful miniaturist" (Joan Josep Isern, Vilaweb)