One morning in August 2019, Mr. Palomar lands in Barcelona to settle in with his wife and daughter. And it is from here that we will follow him for a whole year, while he is dedicated to walking through a city that he looks at and studies, and where he lets himself be traversed by everything he sees.
This Palomar of Tina Vallès is convinced that the closest things contain a spark capable of activating our attention. We do not know for sure where he comes from or where he’s going, but his walks allow him to measure the tiny details of everything surrounding us, and transform them into literature.
Moved to Barcelona, Palomar is and is not that of Italo Calvino. As the author explains in the epilogue, "this book comes from a no", from the refusal to accept the character's death. In a border area between the story and the flâneur's meditation, El senyor Palomar a Barcelona is the portrait of a Palomar that functions as a channel to delve into the secrets that reality plays to hide away from us. Palomar -and by extension Vallès herself- could be, in fact, an eye; an attentive, philosophical eye that reminds us that every object in the world is a master key to enter the universe, where everything is connected.
By the author of La memòria de l'arbre (The Memory of the Tree), translated into 15 languages.