When the lie tests all your certainties.
Raquel is forty-nine, has a stable marriage and a teenage son. She works in an advertising agency, a creative job that has been unsatisfying her for some time. The discovery that her husband has a parallel life throws her into a sentimental breakdown. To get over it, she travels alone to England. While trying to decide what to do with her life, she follows the trail of the writer Virginia Woolf through the English countryside. And on this trip she meets Lea, a young girl who lives as a nomad and who shows Raquel that life can be lived in another way.
Deu dies amb la senyora Dalloway (Ten days with Mrs. Dalloway) tells us about silences and half-truths. A story that immerses the reaedr in the everyday life of a woman who suddenly explodes into a thousand pieces. Because life, with its constant movement, never ceases to surprise us and every day it opens cracks that allow us to glimpse the possibility of choosing other lives.
And why limit yourself to what is considered normal, when you can be happy?
2025, year of the 100 anniversary of the publication of Mrs. Dalloway.