Carlota Gurt (Barcelona, 1976). BAs in Translation, East Asian Studies, Humanities, Business Studies and Media. Carlota is a professional translator with over 10 years of experience. For the past two years she has devoted herself almost exclusively to theatrical subtitling and literary translation with authors such as Nino Haratischwili, Hans Magnus Enzensberger, Peter Handke, Sarah Lark, and David Safier. In a previous life she was production manager for La Fura dels Baus and the Temporada Alta Festival. Like the characters in her first book, she rides life without a saddle, juggling her three kids, translating, writing, reading, as well as dreaming (whenever she can afford it) while living between Barcelona and the Baix Empordà.
She made herliterary debut in 2019 when she won the Mercè Rodoreda Prize with the short stories collection Cavalcarem tota la nit (Proa, 2020). Alone (Europa Editions, 2021) is her first novel, a publishing phenomenon that has achieved overwhelming success of critics and readers alike and in 2023 he returns to short stories with Biografia del foc (Proa, 2023), a collection where reality is unpredictable and full of possibilities.
With La teoria dels forats (The Theory of Holes, Barcanova 2024), winner of the Guillem Cifré de Colonya Prize 2024, Gurt makes the leap to young adult novels.