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Why in other countries they are able to keep the work of certain authors alive and we are not? Why are they proud of their literary baggage and keep it alive, while we often seem to deny it or at least despise it, as if it belonged to a past that is not worth recovering because perhaps it smells like an airlock? Who is to blame for such gross negligence? The publishers, the booksellers, the schools, the official institutions, the readers themselves…?
In this series of questions is the seed of this book, where the author makes a personal journey, with a look devoid of any academic pretense, by bicycle through the Empordà or from a Scandinavian island, through a series of essential names from our literary legacy . From Víctor Català to Marian Vayreda, from Pompeu Fabra to J.M. Folch i Torres, from Aurora Bertrana to Josep M. de Sagarra, passing through Teresa Pàmies. Some writers with whom we are indebted and that it is important that we do not forget.

"Watch over the fire... It is very sad to die without heirs!"
Víctor Català

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