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Symbol similar to a little star used in written texts to draw the reader's attention

How are governments formed? How do political ideas shape society? What is propaganda?

Politics is an informative and engaging guide which will help children make sense of topics that are constantly being discussed but rarely explained in a fun way. The clear and concise text and vibrant and full of character illustrations break down seemingly complex and abstract topics such as nationalism, freedom of speech and power in an easy-to-understand fashion.

By learning how governments are formed, how they operate, how voting and political ideas shape society and what propaganda is, the reader will be able to come to their own, informed views of the world of politics they see on the news and in the world around them.

My World is a collection of books intended to explain current events in our society in the simplest and most objective way possible, so that all children can have the information necessary to understand them. Within the series we find: Migrants (Serra d'Or Critics Award 2021), Economics and What's War.

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