Knowing the war is the first step towards peace. There have always been wars, but there have also always been people who have thought that conflicts can be resolved peacefully. But to do so, we need to understand war, to understand the other, to learn to sympathize and first of all: that violence is not the solution. This is a book designed to be able to answer in a flat way all the questions that the child can ask us after seeing the news about the war.
At the end of the book, there are two dossiers that analyze two terrible wars that have been going on for too long, the one in Syria and the one in Ukraine.
My World is a collection of books designed to explain the current events in our society in the simplest and most objective way possible, so that all boys and girls can have the information they need to understand them. Within the series we find: Migrants (Serra d'Or Critics Award 2021), Economics and Politics (in process).
"Dad, how do soldiers killing each other solve the world’s problems?" Bill Watterson