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The Catalan leader Francesc Cambó was also one of the most emblematic political referents of the Spanish right of the first third of the twentieth century. That is why it is of the greatest interest to analyze what his political position was at a crucial moment, from the end of the dictatorship of Primo de Rivera (January 1930) to the advent of the Republic (April 1931), since he himself believed that "this was my moment."

The work of Borja de Riquer illuminates with new data, unpublished until now, the performance of Cambó, a politician that was then considered the great hope of the monarchy of Alfonso XIII Spanish and the conservative sectors. Contrary to what has been said so far and to what Cambó himself wrote in his memoirs, Riquer explains the real causes (the opposition of the most reactionary military and civil sectors) that prevented the Catalan leader from assuming a relevant place in the Spanish government.

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