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A hilarious rural noir set in a Pyrenean village.
The novel that consolidated Albert Villaró as a narrator.

Nothing ever happens in Llobarca, a tiny mountain town near the border with Somorra. Tomàs takes care of his cows, his silent uncle, his formal girlfriend, dodging the collapse of a microcosm condemned to disappearance. Nothing ever happens, until something happens that disturbs such placidity: there are strange movements in an old smugglers track. From then on, everything changes. Tomás ends up putting his cows aside for a few days and begins a new vital facet dealing with traffickers of the highest rank, corrupt policemen and journalists who are too gossipy to free the girl he loves and who, unfortunately, is not his girl and to clarify, incidentally, a case that has brought too bad a mood to the town.

A long-seller that has become a classic!
Obaga (Keep My Cows) was a resounding success when it appeared in 2003, with excellent reviews and sales.

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