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Symbol similar to a little star used in written texts to draw the reader's attention

Tattoo artist Flavia Carvalho devotes herself to beautifying with flowers, animals and colors the scars left on the body of women by the aggressions of the men they have loved. On the smoother skin there may be other scars, equally palpable, equally deep. May these words be an ivy that grows and gets them, that makes them more beautiful without denying them, that welcomes them and gives them the possibility of living beyond the wound, along the path of howling, the journey towards the sea that bathes all the islands. 

​Narrator and activist Bel Olid is one of the Catalan public voices of the moment and she now gets into poetry with Ferida, udol, viatge, illa (Wounded, Howl, Travel, Island) in a bilingual edition.

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