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Adrià Pujol
Adrià Pujol i Cruells (Begur, 1974). Anthropologist and writer. He has been a teacher at the Elisava school and combines teaching with museography. He is also the driving force behind the Quotidian Life Observatory. He has published essay books, biographies, memorialism and also fiction. It would be difficult classify his books by genre. Among the many books published, stand out the autobiographical novel Picadura de Barcelona, La carpeta és blava o Guia sentimental de l'Empordanet. All books are also full of irony and sense of humour. Recently, he has published a challenging and experimental book El fill del corrector / Arre, arre, corrector, along with Martín Giráldez, who has been considered by critics as a magnificient book and some have called it "translinguistic experiment" or "utopian, written, rewritten, translated, comented.. . "

He collaborates regularly in various media such as the Diari de Girona, La Llança, L'Avenç or El País. Among his translations, stands out Eclipse, by Georges Perec for which he has received the Serra d'Or Award for translation, 2018.

As for the youngest, in L'embús (La Galera 2021) we read the diary of Matilda, who describes a trip that will not be exactly as her father had explained it would be. His latest works of fiction are Míster Folch (Empúries, 2019), the first novel on the Civil post-war period in Catalonia that speaks neither of post-war nor Catalonia, and Els llocs on ha dormit Jonàs (Empúries, 2022), “a memorable novel” (El Quadern).
Finally, in the field of essay Pujol publishes La gola (Fragmenta, 2020) where with a fresh and rigorous vision he draws a unique multidisciplinary journey around this deadly sin. And in I si (Arcadia, 2022) he shares some pointed speculations on language and literature that are deliberately provocative.

Books by Adrià Pujol Cruells